Literacy Gold Trial Results

Avg Improvement 15.5 months 9 Months
Age Range KS3 (11-14 year olds) KS3 (11 - 14 year olds)
No. of Students 22 students from 8 schools 28 students from 3 schools
Length of Intervention 3 Months
Research Design One group pre-test/post-test study
Inclusion Criteria Students were all identified by their SENCO as having a reading or spelling age of at least 12 months behind their chronological age
Test Used New Salford Reading Test Vernon Spelling Test

Literacy Gold is a catch-up intervention for children who are behind in reading or spelling.

There were 3 main aims of these research projects. The first was to determine the effectiveness of the programs for KS3 students. The second was to receive feedback on how the intervention could work with secondary school timetables. The third was how engaged the students were.



After 3 months, 77% of students reading age improved.

The average improvement for each year group is:

  • Year 7 - 13.6 months (10 students)
  • Year 8 - 15.8 months (10 students)
  • Year 9 - 23.0 months (2 students)

Feedback from teaching staff and students was positive. The students found the program easy to play. They needed minimal input from teaching staff. The programs were seen as age appropriate for Year 7 and Year 8 students. Some Year 9 students did engage.

Reading Improvement
After Playing for 3 Months


After 3 months, 82% of students spelling age improved.

The average improvement for each year group is:

  • Year 7 - 11.8 months (4 students)
  • Year 8 - 9.3 months (15 students)
  • Year 9 - 7.3 months (9 students)

Feedback from teaching staff and students was positive. All Year 7 students made progress. The programs were seen as age appropriate.

Spelling Improvement
After Playing for 3 Months